The Great Milk Debate - Which one is for you ?

Which alternative Milk is for you?

It doesn’t seem so long ago that when you bought milk your choice didn’t stretch beyond full-fat, semi-skimmed or skimmed but the times are changing !

More and more people are looking for alternative non dairy products and sales are rapidly increasing. Reasons for this include Veganism, allergies, lactose intolerance, various medical conditions, environmental concerns or just not liking the taste.

Almond Milk is made from ground almonds mixed with water. Its rich texture and slightly nutty taste make it delicious in lattes. It’s also great for blending in smoothies. Almond milk is low in fat, sugar and calories and naturally high in many vitamins and minerals.

Coconut Milk is made by soaking the white flesh of coconuts in hot water. The cream rises to the top and is skimmed off, leaving the milk behind. Coconuts are highly nutritious, containing vitamin, B1 and B6. The milk is high in saturated fat though so its best consumed in moderation and it’s also one of the more expensive vegan milks. Despite being low in sugar coconut milk is quite sweet tasting meaning it is perfect for desserts, cakes and smoothies. It also features in Thai and Indian curries.

Hazelnut Milk The process for hazelnut milk is the same as soy, almond or any other nut based milks. You soak the nuts, blend, strain, and sometimes boil or simply serve after straining. 

Hemp Milk is a blend of hemp seed and fortified with calcium and vitamin D with a mild, sweet taste.

Soy Milk is comparable in protein to cows milk and is low in fat. Some brands are fortified with calcium and vitamins A & D. It tastes nutty and thick and works well in baking.

Rice Milk is a sweet milk, low in protein and fortified with calcium. Sweet but neutral taste.

Oat Milk is made from oats and enriched with vitamins and calcium but is low in saturated fat.

Whatever alternative milk you choose to drink we hope the above can help with the decision making.