Gengigel Mouthrinse 150ml
Gengigel Mouthrinse treats conditions such as Gingivitis, Mouth Ulcers, Oral Soreness, Sore Throat, Dry and burning mouth and Tongue and Cheek bites. It contains Hyaluronan which is a substance found naturally in your soft tissues. Gengigel Mouthrinse can help soothe inflammation and speed healing when soreness occurs or after surgery.
- 150ml bottle.
- Contains Hyaluronan 25mg.
- Soothes, heals and protects.
- Promotes natural healing.
Gengigel is safe to use with prescribed medicines but should not be used if you have a known sensitivity to any of the ingredients.
What is Hyaluronan?
Gengigel contains naturally-derived high quality, high molecular weight (HMW) Hyaluronan, a substance found naturally in your soft tissues but in especially high concentrations in your gums (gingivae). It is an important component having both a structural and regulatory role.
The healing process requires extra Hyaluronan, and applying Gengigel@s Hyaluroanan helps both healing and symptom relief (such as stopping minor bleeding and soothing pain and soreness). Our bodies normally produce all the Hyaluronan we need, but as we get older or if we are unwell, our bodies sometimes cannot keep up. Diseaseand damage can put extra pressure on the body's natural production of Hyaluronan.
Directions of Use
Once your teeth have been brushed, rinse your mouth with Gengigel Mouthrinse 3-4 times daily for 3-4 weeks. You should rinse with 10ml of Gengigel for 1-2 minutes.
Do not use if you have a know sensitivity to any of the ingredients.
100g contains: Hyaluronan 25mg, Xylitol, Excipients.