Is Apple Cider Vinegar the New Magical Potion ?

Apple Cider Vinegar

Is Apple Cider Vinegar the New Magical Potion ?

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for thousands of years in cooking and for medicinal purposes. We are told Hippocrates used it as a wound cleanser in 400 BC.

Vinegar comes from a French word meaning sour wine. It is made by fermenting the juice from crushed apples with sugar and yeast to form an alcohol solution and later adding certain bacteria to convert the resulting alcohol into acetic acid plus other vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids. Natural Apple Cider Vinegar is made from freshly crushed, handpicked apples that have been allowed to mature naturally without heat. The best brands will also have “the mother” which is a cobweb like, amino acid based substance found in unprocessed, unfiltered vinegar indicating it is of the best quality and you can see it settled on the bottom of the bottle. It is this that is thought to be responsible for many of the benefits so be sure to shake the bottle before use !

The Apple Cider Vinegar Diet was first promoted in the 1950’s with claims that it causes fat to be burned faster rather than stored. It is back in the news again recently with claims that it accelerates the body’s ability to break down and derive nutrients from fats and protein efficiently and quickly from the digestive system. It is suggested that you drink 2-3 teaspoons in a glass of water 30 minutes before eating and that it will also help to make you feel full more quickly.

There have been reports that it can benefit diabetics by helping to maintain lower blood sugar levels. A study showed that this was the case for people who took 2 tablespoons in water before bedtime.

An old remedy for sore throats involved mixing 2 tablespoons in a glass of water with honey if preferred and gargling with the solution. Some people have found it to break up and reduce mucous in the body and therefore to be useful in clearing blocked sinuses. Another old remedy involves using a diluted solution to rinse your hair for added shine and to get rid of dandruff.

Arthritis is a debilitating chronic condition that affects many people causing inflammation, pain and stiffness of the joints and although it cannot be cured the symptoms can often be treated and relieved. For many years Apple Cider vinegar has been recognised as a possible natural remedy for arthritis pain. It is thought that excessive acid in the body can cause deposits between the joints eroding the membrane that “oils” our joints. Although vinegar is an acid it becomes alkaline when broken down in the stomach helping to stabilise the body’s pH.

We would really love to hear if you have found beneficial effects from using Apple Cider Vinegar as there are many differing reports on its effectiveness. Don’t forget it can always be used to make delicious sauces and salad dressings!