Fairtrade Fortnight 2017
FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT 27th February 2017 – 12th March 2017
We want Fairtrade Fortnight to be a fun-filled highlight of the year when campaigners, businesses, schools and places of worship show support for farmers and workers who grow our food in developing countries. The theme this year is “Have a Fairtrade Break”
February may not be the most exciting of months, nights are long and it’s still cold but soon the spring bulbs will be flowering , Easter will be approaching and we can look forward to Spring. Use this time to celebrate all that Fairtrade has achieved so far and to think about those people who are still struggling to make a living. Use your breaks whether at home, work or school to consider how you can help and spread the word to family, friends and colleagues.
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers. This is the 23rd Fairtrade Fortnight in the UK and is one of the most uncertain years for a generation when it comes to trade. Following the vote for Brexit the UK will be coming to terms with the urgent need to negotiate more than 50 International Trade deals. No one knows yet what this will mean for farmers and workers in poor countries. It’s more crucial than ever that the voices of farmers and workers are heard so we need to speak up on their behalf more loudly than ever.
We need to remember that when we reach for our favourite foods and drinks each day we may also be feeding exploitation but we can easily change this. Most of us enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the morning – look for the Fair-trade mark on the packet, check that the coffee is fair-trade certified in your usual high street coffee shop or cafe. By making these choices you are helping the cause. It may not seem much but the more people who do it the greater the effect for farmers in developing countries who are struggling to survive despite toil, sweat and slog day after day. If you enjoy baking look for Fairtrade ingredients – make sure your cakes do good as well as taste good and when reaching for a few squares of chocolate make sure it is Fairtrade too.
Low prices paid to farmers can mean:
- They can only afford to feed their families one meal a day leading to increased health problems for their children.
- They can’t afford medical care and put off treatments their families may need.
- They don’t have enough money to send their children to school and children are pressured to work for a living.
- They can’t afford to invest in better farming so little progress is made and they can’t justify asking higher prices for their produce.
Look for the Fairtrade mark when you shop and share the message with your friends and family. The mark can be found on clothing, gold items, various foodstuffs, drinks and beauty products. Please, please try to do your bit and help to improve working and living conditions for this people and give thanks for the advantages we have !!
Natures Healthbox are trying to do their bit and endeavour to stock Fairtrade produce where possible. Let us know if we do not stock your favourite Fairtrade goods and we will look into doing so and also share your thoughts with us about how we can help.